Set along a serene coastline of the Caribbean Sea amidst Dominica’s vibrant capital city, Roseau, stands Fort Young Hotel, a proud staple of the island’s heritage. While idyllic accommodations take center stage, these luxuries are secondary to the rich and unspoiled terrain of Dominica at your doorstep.

Wicked+ brought a crew of videographers, photographers and models to Fort Young Hotel and directed a full-scale photography and videography production to capture all facets of the hotel experience, from the in-room spa experience to off-site adventures.

Wicked+ designed and developed a dynamic, responsive website for Fort Young Hotel that clearly evokes the hotel’s sense of place, the unparalleled opportunity for adventure and the hotel’s array of amenities and offerings. fortyounghotel.com

Wicked+ handles all PR for Fort Young Hotel, securing critical acclaim for the resort in publications and outlets such as The New York Times, The Associated Press, Lonely Planet, Bloomberg.com and Caribbean Journal.

Wicked+ designed and upholds a multi-channel content strategy for Fort Young Hotel that engages key audiences and prospective guests with compelling stories and offerings. Via an on-site blog and social networks like Instagram and Facebook, Fort Young acts as its own media source in addition to securing outside media.